Tuesday "TALKS" is canceled for December. Next meeting will be in January 2022. Happy Holidays!
Hosted by CocoKids Presented by Tandem, Partners in Learning El juego es vital para desarrollar el pensamiento crítico y las habilidades sociales. Únase a nosotros para compartir ideas para facilitar el juego y practicar el uso de un lenguaje de apoyo para desarrollar las habilidades de aprendizaje temprano de los niños. Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMscO-oqjojGtXRi2PZnkzF_LYYEhkQETLm
Presented by Jenna Stewart, MA, CHES Health Education Program Specialist. California Poison Control System – Central Office University of California San Francisco During this webinar you will learn about holiday […]