Parent Café: Everyday Play
Online Webinar CA, United StatesParents are invited to join us for a virtual Parent Café! In this Parent Café, the topic will be Everyday Play. This will be an INTERACTIVE café, so join us […]
Parents are invited to join us for a virtual Parent Café! In this Parent Café, the topic will be Everyday Play. This will be an INTERACTIVE café, so join us […]
Presented by the Contra Costa Breastfeeding Task Force Breastfeeding support from childcare providers is significantly associated with continued breastfeeding at six months, making access and availability of breastfeeding-friendly childcare a […]
Presented by Cristina Hickey, Child Abuse Prevention Council of Contra Costa County The Child Abuse Prevention Council provides classes for community educators and professional groups on Mandated Reporting. We will […]
Presented by Cristina Hickey, Child Abuse Prevention Council of Contra Costa County The Child Abuse Prevention Council provides classes for community educators and professional groups on Mandated Reporting. We will […]
Parents are invited to join us for a virtual Parent Café! In this Parent Café, the topic will be Mental and Emotional Vitality. This will be an INTERACTIVE café, so […]
This introductory training will offer participants an opportunity to explore and understand an anti-racist and anti-bias (ABAR) framework and make connections to working with all children particularly children of color. African-American children will […]
In this workshop presented by Child Care Advocate Carla Fernandes-Goes from Community Care Licensing Division, Participants will learn more about: o Title 22 Safe Sleep Regulations in place o Practices, […]
In this workshop presented by Child Care Advocate Carla Fernandes-Goes from Community Care Licensing Division, Participants will learn about: What is new?!?! o New PINs with changes that you might have missed o How to access and be updated on changes CARE Tool What to expect during an annual visit What is CARE tool Where […]
Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning Storytime can be the most cherished time of day for you and your students. It can be a time of inquiry and laughter, movement and fun. Join us to practice three proven strategies for making your storytime's magical! Register Here:
This training will offer participants an opportunity to explore and understand exclusionary discipline and make connections to how such practices impact children in the long term. We will discuss working with all children, particularly children of color, and converse about strategies that will enhance relationships with both families and children. African-American children will be the […]
Parents are invited to join us for a virtual Parent Café! In this Parent Café, the topic will be Environmental Vitality. This will be an INTERACTIVE café, so join us on zoom! Come as you are, strengthen your protective factors and learn more about your family’s strengths. Register Here:
This workshop will provide an introduction to California Poison Control System and the Poison Hotline, indoor and outdoor hazards, childcare and school safety, and health education resources, now updated with information regarding the following: Cannabis Liquid Nicotine Fentanyl Wildfire Smoke Carbon Monoxide Register Here:
Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning 發球與接球的互動可以培養早期的語言和讀寫能力,以及強大、健康的大腦!參與者將練習基於證據的互動朗讀策略,激發快樂,支持健康的大腦發育和早期語言習得。 Register Here:
Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning ¡Las interacciones de servir y devolver forman la base del desarrollo cognitivo temprano! Los participantes practicarán estrategias de lectura en voz alta, basadas en evidencia, para despertar alegría y apoyar el desarrollo saludable del cerebro y la adquisición temprana del lenguaje. Register Here:
Presented by Cristina Hickey, Child Abuse Prevention Council of Contra Costa County The Child Abuse Prevention Council provides classes for community educators and professional groups on Mandated Reporting. We will discuss the issues of child abuse and the legal responsibilities of California’s mandated reporters. All child care providers are encouraged to attend. There will not be a […]
Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning 文字玩樂一整天: 早期讀寫的六項技能. Children learn language from everything around them and it's never too early to start! Let's talk about the Six Skills of Early Literacy and practice finding opportunities to build these skills anytime, anywhere. Register Here:
Presented by Cristina Hickey, Child Abuse Prevention Council of Contra Costa County The Child Abuse Prevention Council provides classes for community educators and professional groups on Mandated Reporting. We will […]
Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning Les niñes aprenden lenguaje de todo lo que les rodea y ¡nunca es demasiado temprano para empezar! Hablemos de las 6 destrezas de […]
In this workshop presented by Child Care Advocate Carla Fernandes-Goes from Community Care Licensing Division, Participants will learn about: What are children’s personal rights? Scenarios How can you ensure that […]
Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning Math is all around us! Participants uncover the math in “non-math” storybooks and practice strategies to help young children explore various math concepts […]
Presented by Cristina Hickey, Child Abuse Prevention Council of Contra Costa County The Child Abuse Prevention Council provides classes for community educators and professional groups on Mandated Reporting. We will […]
Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning 數學就在我們周圍! 參與者在“非數學”故事書中發現數學,並練習策略,以幫助幼兒探索各種數學概念,包括:數數、理解數量、參與簡單的加減法、識別形狀和模式,以及使用測量和比較。 Register Here:
In this workshop, participants will build on knowledge and awareness from previous ABAR workshops to explore their own familial experiences to deepen diverse family cultural and personal contexts including childrearing […]
Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning ¡Las matemáticas están a nuestro alrededor! Los participantes descubren las matemáticas en cuentos "no matemáticos" y practican estrategias para ayudar a los niños […]
Parents are invited to join us for a virtual Parent Café! This will be an INTERACTIVE café, so join us on zoom! Come as you are, strengthen your protective factors […]
Presented by Cristina Hickey, Child Abuse Prevention Council of Contra Costa County The Child Abuse Prevention Council provides classes for community educators and professional groups on Mandated Reporting. We will […]
Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning *This workshop will be in English and translated in Cantonese. In this interactive workshop, participants will learn about the development of play; enumerate […]
Parents are invited to join us for a virtual Parent Café! This will be an INTERACTIVE café, so join us on zoom! Come as you are, strengthen your protective factors […]
Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning En este taller interactivo, los participantes aprenderán sobre el desarrollo del juego; enumerar los beneficios sociales, cognitivos y de desarrollo que produce; y […]
The Bay Area Professional Child Care Network: Supporting Family Child Care presents “Tuesday Talks” Tuesday TALKS it is a support group for Family Child Care providers in the Bay Area. […]
Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning Using books to support children's social and emotional skills is not only beneficial, but fun. Join us for an interactive demonstration of how […]
Presented by Harleen Sandhu, Health Educator Community Wellness & Prevention Program, Contra Costa Health Services Join us for the We Can! Energize our Families workshop to learn practical strategies and […]
Parents are invited to join us for a virtual Parent Café! This will be an INTERACTIVE café, so join us on zoom! Come as you are, strengthen your protective factors […]
Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning 用書籍來支持孩子的社交和情緒技能不僅是有益的,而且很有趣。請加入我們的互動示範,如何使用繪本來鼓勵健康的社交和情緒發展。 在此註冊:
Presented by Cristina Hickey, Child Abuse Prevention Council of Contra Costa County The Child Abuse Prevention Council provides classes for community educators and professional groups on Mandated Reporting. We will […]
Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning El uso de libros para apoyar el desarrollo social y emocional de los niños no solo es beneficioso sino también es divertido. Acompañenos […]
Únase a este taller “We Can! Energize our Families”. En este taller va a aprender estrategias y consejos prácticos que puede utilizar con los niños para: Ayudarlos a mantener un […]
Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning 創傷101: 大腦與行為 *This webinar will be in English and translated in Cantonese. Join us to learn about the basics of emotional trauma. What […]
Parents are invited to join us for a virtual Parent Café! This will be an INTERACTIVE café, so join us on zoom! Come as you are, strengthen your protective factors […]
The Bay Area Professional Child Care Network: Supporting Family Child Care presents “Tuesday Talks” Tuesday TALKS it is a support group for Family Child Care providers in the Bay Area. […]
Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning Acompáñenos a aprender lo básico sobre el trauma emocional. ¿Qué es? ¿Cómo afecta el cerebro y comportamiento del niñe? Y ¿qué podemos hacer? […]
This workshop will provide an introduction to California Poison Control System and the Poison Hotline, indoor and outdoor hazards, childcare and school safety, and health education resources, now updated with […]
Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning *This webinar will be in English and translated in Cantonese. 創傷102: 干預策略 After taking Trauma 101, join us for this deep dive into […]
Presented by Cristina Hickey, Child Abuse Prevention Council of Contra Costa County The Child Abuse Prevention Council provides classes for community educators and professional groups on Mandated Reporting. We will […]
This workshop will provide an introduction to California Poison Control System and the Poison Hotline, indoor and outdoor hazards, childcare and school safety, and health education resources, now updated with […]
Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning Después de tomar Trauma 101, únase a nosotros para esta inmersión profunda en estrategias sensibles al trauma. Practicaremos el uso de la respiración, […]
Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning With all the controversy around the education of bilingual children, how do we know what's best? Join us to dispel some common myths […]
Parents are invited to join us for a virtual Parent Café! This will be an INTERACTIVE café, so join us on zoom! Come as you are, strengthen your protective factors […]
Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning 關於雙語兒童的教育存在諸多爭議,我們如何知道什麼是最好的? 請加入我們,消除一些常見的關於語言學習的迷思,並討論如何在家庭和課堂上支持雙語兒童。 在此註冊:
Presented by First Five Contra Costa Did you know that at least 1 in 20 individuals experience sensory processing difficulties? Were you also aware that humans possess more than the […]
We invite you to join us at the CocoKids Concord office for Grow it, Try it, Like it!: Exploring the Benefits of Gardening with Children. In this interactive workshop, participants […]
Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning Con toda la controversia en torno a la educación de los niñes bilingües, ¿cómo sabemos qué es lo mejor? Acompáñenos a descartar algunos […]
Presented By Kyo Does your child have a hard time following directions? Do they frequently whine? This webinar will provide you with tips to decrease whining and increase cheerful cooperation! […]
Cups, waterbottles, and tumblers oh my! So many choices for healthy hydration. Which is best for staying hydrated? How much water should I drink? How much water should children drink? […]
Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning In this interactive workshop, we will discuss the ways that a colorblind approach fails to advance racial equity, and explore two alternative methods that support early childhood educators in leading age-appropriate discussions about race with young children. Register Here:
The Bay Area Professional Child Care Network: Supporting Family Child Care presents “Tuesday Talks” Tuesday TALKS it is a support group for Family Child Care providers in the Bay Area. Come to share ideas, ask questions, and build community with your fellow providers! Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive […]
Early care providers play a pivotal role in helping children navigate the ups and downs of their big feelings. We'll explore practical strategies and tools for understanding and fostering co-regulation skills in young children. We’ll engage in self-reflection and analyze our own thoughts, feelings, and actions as a way of shifting our mindset about challenging […]
Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning En este taller interactivo, discutiremos las formas en que un enfoque que no hable de distinciones raciales falla en promover la equidad, y exploramos dos alternativas que pueden ayudarnos a guiar discusiones apropiadas sobre las diferencias raciales y la justicia racial con niñes pequeñes. Registrar aquí:
Presented by Cristina Hickey, Child Abuse Prevention Council of Contra Costa County The Child Abuse Prevention Council provides classes for community educators and professional groups on Mandated Reporting. We will discuss the issues of child abuse and the legal responsibilities of California’s mandated reporters. All child care providers are encouraged to attend. There will not […]
Presented By Kyo Children with autism often have difficulty engaging in cooperative play with their peers which can limit their ability to explore and develop social relationships. Join us as we share some tips for facilitating play, including how to set up the environment to promote play and how to select motivating games that encourage […]
The Bay Area Professional Child Care Network: Supporting Family Child Care presents “Tuesday Talks” Tuesday TALKS it is a support group for Family Child Care providers in the Bay Area. Come to share ideas, ask questions, and build community with your fellow providers! Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive […]
Parents are invited to join us for a virtual Parent Café! This will be an INTERACTIVE café, so join us on zoom! Come as you are, strengthen your protective factors and learn more about your family’s strengths. Registration Here:
In part 2 of this workshop we will reflect and dive deeper on the concepts from part 1. Early care providers play a pivotal role in helping children navigate the ups and downs of their big feelings. We'll explore practical strategies and tools for understanding and fostering co-regulation skills in young children. We’ll engage in […]
The Bay Area Professional Child Care Network: Supporting Family Child Care presents “Tuesday Talks” Tuesday TALKS it is a support group for Family Child Care providers in the Bay Area. Come to share ideas, ask questions, and build community with your fellow providers! Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive […]
The description stays the same: Parents are invited to join us for a virtual Parent Café! This will be an INTERACTIVE café, so join us on zoom! Come as you are, strengthen your protective factors and learn more about your family’s strengths. Register Here:
Presented by Cristina Hickey, Child Abuse Prevention Council of Contra Costa County The Child Abuse Prevention Council provides classes for community educators and professional groups on Mandated Reporting. We will discuss the issues of child abuse and the legal responsibilities of California’s mandated reporters. All child care providers are encouraged to attend. There will not […]
Is it always a negotiation when you ask your child to complete a task? Using a “first this, then that” statement is a reliable way to get your child to follow through. In this talk, we will help you design your own “first-then” boards and talk about ways you can use this strategy easily and […]
Parents are invited to join us for a virtual Parent Café! This will be an INTERACTIVE café, so join us on zoom! Come as you are, strengthen your protective factors and learn more about your family’s strengths. Register Here:
The core mission of the Community Care Licensing Division, Child Care Licensing Program is to maintain the health and safety of children by ensuring that licensed child care facilities meet established Title 22 standards. In this session, child care program staff will identify and discuss best practices and helpful strategies for maintaining children’s personal rights […]
Each year, one in four children under the age of five are identified as “at risk” for developmental delays. Oftentimes the most powerful agent for change is not the hours spent in a therapist’s office, but the interactions between caregiver and child. Join Kyo to learn simple, easy to use interventions that will allow you […]
Presented by Angelina Shippe, Child Abuse Prevention Council of Contra Costa County The Child Abuse Prevention Council provides classes for community educators and professional groups on Mandated Reporting. We will discuss the issues of child abuse and the legal responsibilities of California’s mandated reporters. All child care providers are encouraged to attend. There will not […]
Parents are invited to join us for a virtual Parent Café! This will be an INTERACTIVE café, so join us on zoom! Come as you are, strengthen your protective factors […]
In this workshop we will go over sensory experiences for infants, control experiences for mobile infants, and exploratory experiences for toddlers. Gain insight towards what kind of activities, equipment and toys are suggested to enhance active learning. Register Here:
Parents are invited to join us for a virtual Parent Café! This will be an INTERACTIVE café, so join us on zoom! Come as you are, strengthen your protective factors and learn more about your family’s strengths. Register Here:
Does your child run away when presented with an unpleasant task or walk away from you when in the community? In this 30-minute webinar, families will learn to identify the “why” of this behavior. Parents will learn function-based strategies to decrease rates of elopement and teach their child ways to “escape” in more positive, safe […]
This workshop will provide an introduction to California Poison Control System and the Poison Hotline, poison prevention for trending topics, and health education resources. Now updated with information regarding the following: • The Dangers of Social Media Challenges • Children & Cannabis • Children & Medicine • Storage & Disposal Safety Practices Register Here:
Mejorar el aprendizaje activo de bebés y niños pequeños: en este taller repasaremos las experiencias sensoriales para bebés, las experiencias de control para bebés móviles y las experiencias exploratorias para […]
Meal time can be stressful for anyone with young children. Difficulties with food selectivity and other meal-time challenges are even more common amongst people with autism. This can lead to nutritional deficits as well as difficulties participating in social routines. In this webinar, tips will be shared for facilitating peaceful meals as well as strategies […]
Presented by Angelina Shipe, Child Abuse Prevention Council of Contra Costa County The Child Abuse Prevention Council provides classes for community educators and professional groups on Mandated Reporting. We will discuss the issues of child abuse and the legal responsibilities of California’s mandated reporters. All child care providers are encouraged to attend. There will not […]
The core mission of the Community Care Licensing Division, Child Care Licensing Program is to maintain the health and safety of children by ensuring that licensed child care facilities meet established standards. CARE Tool was developed to be used by Licensing Program Analysts (LPAs) when conducting inspections in licensed facilities. This tool focused in three […]
Parents are invited to join us for a virtual Parent Café! This will be an INTERACTIVE café, so join us on zoom! Come as you are, strengthen your protective factors and learn more about your family’s strengths. Register Here:
Parents are invited to join us for a virtual Parent Café! This will be an INTERACTIVE café, so join us on zoom! Come as you are, strengthen your protective factors and learn more about your family’s strengths. Register Here:
Presented by Angelina Shipe, Child Abuse Prevention Council of Contra Costa County The Child Abuse Prevention Council provides classes for community educators and professional groups on Mandated Reporting. We will discuss the issues of child abuse and the legal responsibilities of California’s mandated reporters. All child care providers are encouraged to attend. There will not […]
Presented by: Alexis Ford, Quality Improvement Services Coordinator Winter brings cold weather and unfortunately colds and illness. But there are steps you can take to reduce the spread of illness […]
Presented by: Alexis Ford, Quality Improvement Services Coordinator Would you like to connect with others in the Early Care and Education community through mindful movement and connection? Would you also like […]
Parents are invited to join us for a virtual Parent Café! This will be an INTERACTIVE café, so join us on zoom! Come as you are, strengthen your protective factors and learn more about your family’s strengths. Register Here:
Parents are invited to join us for a virtual Parent Café! This will be an INTERACTIVE café, so join us on zoom! Come as you are, strengthen your protective factors and learn more about your family’s strengths. Register Here:
Presented by Angelina Shipe, Child Abuse Prevention Council of Contra Costa County The Child Abuse Prevention Council provides classes for community educators and professional groups on Mandated Reporting. We will discuss the issues of child abuse and the legal responsibilities of California’s mandated reporters. All child care providers are encouraged to attend. There will not […]
Parents are invited to join us for a virtual Parent Café! This will be an INTERACTIVE café, so join us on zoom! Come as you are, strengthen your protective factors and learn more about your family’s strengths. Register Here:
Parents are invited to join us for a virtual Parent Café! This will be an INTERACTIVE café, so join us on zoom! Come as you are, strengthen your protective factors and learn more about your family’s strengths. Register Here: