Social Emotional Development: Social Interaction

Contra Costa County Office of Education 77 Santa Barbara Road, Pleasant Hill, CA, United States

Group and Peer Social Interaction These classes are an eight-session series. The first 20 non-TK educators to enroll and attend 6 of 8 sessions will receive a $200 bonus. (Sessions 1 & 2 are mandatory to received the bonus) Presented by Lisa Shaanan, Bay Region 4 Special Education Lead, Coach, and Occupational Therapist Focus is […]

Family Child Care Licensing Orientation

CocoKids Learning Institute 1035 Detroit Avenue, Suite 100, Concord, CA, United States

The registration fee for Family Child Care Homes is $25 per person All payments must be made in advance by a personal check, cashier's check, or money order only made payable to D.S.S. and mail to 1515 Clay Street, Suite 1102 Oakland, CA 94612. Payments must be received 5 working days prior to the orientation. […]


Language and Literacy: Listening and Speaking

Contra Costa County Office of Education 77 Santa Barbara Road, Pleasant Hill, CA, United States

These classes are an eight-session series. The first 20 non-TK educators to enroll and attend 6 of 8 sessions will receive a $200 bonus. (Sessions 1 & 2 are mandatory […]

Story Walking

Antioch Public Library 501 W. 18th St., Antioch, CA, United States

Presented by Tandem Partners in Learning Combining interactive classroom Read Aloud with multi-disciplinary extension activities, this approach to curriculum planning explores the versatility of books as teaching tools. A story […]


Simplificando Impuestos (Taxes) Para Proveedores de Cuidado Infantil

CocoKids Learning Institute 1035 Detroit Avenue, Suite 100, Concord, CA, United States

Presentado por Carlos Aleman, especialista en impuestos para proveedores de cuidado infantil. Carlos Alemán se especializa en preparación de impuestos para promovedores de cuidado infantil. Con mas de 20 años […]


Money Management and Retirement

Hercules Public Library 109 Civic Dr., Hercules, CA, United States

Presented by Tom Copeland, JD Tom Copeland is the nation’s leading expert on the business of family child care. He is an independent consultant, trainer, author, and family child care […]


Support in the Preschool Setting

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by  Gateway Learning     During this workshop, you will learn how to use applied behavior analysis, how you can incorporate it in your classroom to support curriculum, how to […]


CLASS Toddler Training- Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS)

CocoKids Learning Institute 1035 Detroit Avenue, Suite 100, Concord, CA, United States

Presented by Deanna Carmona In this training you will gain an understanding of the Preschool Classroom Assessment Scoring System (Toddler CLASS), its various uses, and the teacher-child interactions that support […]


Circle Time Fun: Love it or Leave it!

CocoKids Learning Institute 1035 Detroit Avenue, Suite 100, Concord, CA, United States

Presented by Kimberly Nguyen, Quality Improvement Facilitator Circle time provides an unique opportunity to connect and direct the children in your program. Join me for this hands-on workshop, and learn […]


Apoyo en el Entorno Preescolar

CocoKids Learning Institute 1035 Detroit Avenue, Suite 100, Concord, CA, United States

Presentado por Gateway Learning Durante este taller, aprenderá cómo usar el Análisis de comportamiento aplicado (ABA). La terapia ABA se enfoca en ayudar a los niños a mejorar o cambiar […]


CANCELLED: Preschool English Learner Guide

Contra Costa County Office of Education 77 Santa Barbara Road, Pleasant Hill, CA, United States

Family Partnership and Culture These classes are an eight-session series. The first 20 non-TK educators to enroll and attend 6 of 8 sessions will receive a $200 bonus. (Sessions 1 […]

CANCELLED: Mandated Reporter Training

CocoKids Learning Institute 1035 Detroit Avenue, Suite 100, Concord, CA, United States

Presented by Cristina Hickey, Child Abuse Prevention Council of Contra Costa County The Child Abuse Prevention Council provides classes for community educators and professional groups on Mandated Reporting. We will […]


CANCELLED: Mandated Reporter Training

CocoKids Learning Institute 1035 Detroit Avenue, Suite 100, Concord, CA, United States

Presented by Cristina Hickey, Child Abuse Prevention Council of Contra Costa County The Child Abuse Prevention Council provides classes for community educators and professional groups on Mandated Reporting. We will […]


CANCELLED: Physical Development: Perceptual Motor and Movement Concepts

Contra Costa County Office of Education 77 Santa Barbara Road, Pleasant Hill, CA, United States

These classes are an eight-session series. The first 20 non-TK educators to enroll and attend 6 of 8 sessions will receive a $200 bonus. (Sessions 1 & 2 are mandatory […]

CANCELLED: The Power of Successful Transitions

CocoKids Learning Institute 1035 Detroit Avenue, Suite 100, Concord, CA, United States

Presented by Kimberly Nguyen During this workshop you will learn how transitions can be an important part of your curriculum and how they can become one of your best tools […]


CANCELLED: Mandated Reporter Training

CocoKids Learning Institute 1035 Detroit Avenue, Suite 100, Concord, CA, United States

Presented by Cristina Hickey, Child Abuse Prevention Council of Contra Costa County The Child Abuse Prevention Council provides classes for community educators and professional groups on Mandated Reporting. We will […]


CANCELLED: Supporting Students with Trauma

CocoKids Learning Institute 1035 Detroit Avenue, Suite 100, Concord, CA, United States

Presented by Tandem Partners in Early Learning This workshop is focused on exploring what trauma looks like in children 0 - 5 years old. Learn about different types of trauma, […]


Health and Safety in Child Care Settings During COVID-19 Pandemic (Webinar)

Online Webinar CA, United States

Please click on the following link to register: Presented by Jacqueline Jackson, Providers 4 Quality Child Care During this training you will learn healthy procedures to keep your program […]

Sharing Stories, Sharing Feelings (Webinar)

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Tandem, Partners in Learning In this interactive online training, we will define social emotional development and explain three ways that book sharing promotes it. Participants will practice techniques […]

Math in Story Books

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Tandem, Partners in Learning Math is all around us! Join Tandem for this online training on how to uncover the math in "non-math" storybooks. We will discuss and […]

Story Time Magic (Webinar)

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Tandem, Partners in Learning In this online class, participants will learn how "serve and return interactions" build brains and language, and literacy skills. We will review the latest […]

Increase Cooperation by Offering Children Choices

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Gateway Learning Is it always a negotiation when you ask your child to complete a task? Using a “first this, then that” statement is a reliable way to […]

ABA Strategies for Your Virtual Classroom

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Gateway Learning  Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a science that has long been used in classrooms to increase student skill acquisition and decrease maladaptive behaviors. Use of principles […]

Supporting Diversity & Inclusion with Storybooks

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Tandem Partners in Learning Join us as we explore the importance of inclusive storybooks and discuss key features you want to look for while building your classroom or […]

Using Visuals to Support Distance Learning

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Gateway Learning Our world is full of visual cues that provide us with information on how to behave and what is expected of us. In this webinar, we’ll […]

“StoryTime Magic” en Espanol

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presentado por Tandem Partners in Learning En este entrenamiento virtual, los participantes aprenderán cómo las interacciones de "servir y devolver" ayudan en la construcción del cerebro, lenguaje y destrezas de […]

Setting Up Your Home for Virtual Learning

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Gateaway Learning As we prepare for the start of the virtual school year, there are many positive behavior support strategies we can implement in our home environment to […]

Top 3 Strategies to Navigate Challenging Behaviors

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Gateway Learning Have you ever wondered why your child exhibits challenging behavior and what you can do to change it? In this 30-minute webinar, families will learn to […]

Trauma 101: Supporting Students with Trauma

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Tandem, Partners in Learning Join us for this webinar to learn the basics about trauma. What is it? How does it affect the brain and body? We will […]

Creating Structure for Your Child’s Back-to-School Routine

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Gateaway Learning Schedules and routines are known to be effective for children and families to build healthy and efficient daily rituals. In this workshop, learn strategies to establish […]

Grupo de Apoyo para Proveedoras Hispanas

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presentado por CocoKids El grupo de suporte para proveedoras en español será en Zoom. Durante esta reunión hablaremos de los diferentes tipos de programas que tenemos paras apoyarlas como proveedoras. […]

Lead Poisoning Prevention for Child Care Providers

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Kimberly Nguyen, Quality Improvement Navigator Lead poisoning is one of the most common environmental illness among young children under the age of 6 years old. During this presentation, […]

Strategies for a Better Night’s Sleep

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Gateaway Learning Sleep issues commonly affect children, especially those diagnosed with developmental disabilities. In this presentation, you will learn to develop and implement strategies for improving your child's […]

Partnership with Families

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by PITC, Program for Infant/Toddler Care Participants of this webinar will have an opportunity to review the impact of protective urges, explore the three caregiver qualities that parents identify […]

Grupo de Apoyo para Proveedoras Hispanas

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presentado por CocoKids El grupo de suporte para proveedoras en español será en Zoom. Durante esta reunión hablaremos de los diferentes tipos de programas que tenemos paras apoyarlas como proveedoras. […]

Toilet Training: A Path to Success

CocoKids Learning Institute 1035 Detroit Avenue, Suite 100, Concord, CA, United States

  Presented by Gateway Learning Using the toilet independently is an important accomplishment for every child. A little advanced preparation, and knowledge of evidence-based techniques, can go a long way […]

Matematicas en los Libros de Cuentos

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Tandem, Partners in Learning !Las matemáticas están en todo nuestro alrededor! Acompañe a Tandem en este taller virtual para descubrir la matemática en todos los libros ‘no matemáticos’. […]

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