Math in Storybooks

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Tandem Partners in Learning Math is all around us! Uncover the math in “non-math” storybooks and practice strategies that help young children learn key math concepts. Register here: […]

Mandated Reporter Training

Online Webinar CA, United States

This class is for the AB 1207 Mandated Reporter Training. We will discuss the issues of child abuse and the legal responsibilities of California’s mandated reporters.

Mandated Reporter Training

Online Webinar CA, United States

This class is for the AB 1207 Mandated Reporter Training. We will discuss the issues of child abuse and the legal responsibilities of California’s mandated reporters.

Conciencia Fonologica

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Tandem Partners in Early Learning Educadores discutirán los niveles de conciencia fonológica y por qué el desarrollo de esta habilidad conduce a logros en la lectura. A través […]

Reading Time Fun: How to Engage Children During Reading Time

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Kimberly Nguyen, Quality Improvement Navigator During this training, you will learn different strategies to engage children during reading time. We will also touch base on how to spark […]

ECE: Physical Activity and Nutrition Curriculum

Online Webinar CA, United States

ECE settings are ideal for establishing and nurturing physical activity and nutrition habits. This training covers the 7 Food Education Standards, Rethink Your Drink, and COVID-friendly physical activities. The goal […]

Mandated Reporter Training

Online Webinar CA, United States

This class is for the AB 1207 Mandated Reporter Training. We will discuss the issues of child abuse and the legal responsibilities of California’s mandated reporters.

Lead Poisoning Prevention for Child Care Providers (Spanish)

Online Webinar CA, United States

**** Esta clase es en Espanol **** Presented by Kimberly Nguyen, Quality Improvement Navigator Lead poisoning is one of the most common environmental illness among young children under the age […]

Quality Matters Information Session

Online Webinar CA, United States

Quality Matters (QM) is open for enrollment. This year we are focusing on programs who have children with subsidy! Quality Matters is Contra Costa County’s Quality Rating and Improvement System […]

Comercializando su Negocio en el Mundo Digital

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presentado por CocoKids Resource and Referral Team En este taller, los participnates aprenderán a usar herramientas digitales para comercializar su negocio de cuidado infantil, como redes sociales, motores de búsqueda, […]

Key Strategies to Support Children , Build Their Resilience , and Minimize the Adverse Effects of Trauma

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Regina Alexander, Child Care Bridge Navigator By providing safe supportive environments we can help children build prosocial skills and open pathways for healthy learning and development. Register here: […]

Mandated Reporter Training

Online Webinar CA, United States

This class is for the AB 1207 Mandated Reporter Training. We will discuss the issues of child abuse and the legal responsibilities of California’s mandated reporters.

Sharing Stories, Sharing Feelings

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Tandem, Partners in Learning Participants explore three ways that sharing books promotes a child’s social-emotional development and practice techniques for incorporating social-emotional development into interactive story times with […]

Cancelled: Mandated Reporter Training

Online Webinar CA, United States

This class is for the AB 1207 Mandated Reporter Training. We will discuss the issues of child abuse and the legal responsibilities of California’s mandated reporters.

Marketing Your Family Child Care in a Digital World

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by CocoKids Resource and Referral Team In this workshop, attendees will learn how to use digital tools for marketing your child care business, such as social media, search engines, […]

Covid-19 Updates and Latest Cleaning and Disinfecting Practices

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Bobbie Rose and Judith Kunitz, California Child Care Health Program The COVID-19 Delta variant has tested the child care community’s resilience once again! Please join us for updates […]

Children and Play

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Tandem, Partners in Learning In this online class, participants will learn how Play is vital for developing children’s critical thinking and social skills. In this workshop, families will […]

Social-Emotional Development

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by PITC | Program for Infant.Toddler Care Participants of this webinar will become familiar with the California Infant/Toddler Learning and Development Foundations with a focus on the social-emotional development […]

Mandated Reporter Training

Online Webinar CA, United States

This class is for the AB 1207 Mandated Reporter Training. We will discuss the issues of child abuse and the legal responsibilities of California’s mandated reporters.

Increasing Cooperation by Offering Your Child Choices

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Kyo, ABA Therapy Is it always a negotiation when you ask your child to complete a task? Using a “first this, then that” statement is a reliable way […]

Mandated Reporter Training

Online Webinar CA, United States

This class is for the AB 1207 Mandated Reporter Training. We will discuss the issues of child abuse and the legal responsibilities of California’s mandated reporters.

Strengths-Based Communication with Families

Online Webinar CA, United States

Hosted by CocoKids Presented by Tandem, Partners in Learning How do we focus on a family’s strengths to support them in crafting solutions to challenges? How do we share helpful […]

Directors and Owners Support Group: Covid-19 Vaccines for Ages 5-11 Q&A with County Health Department

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Michele DiMaggio, R.E.H.S. and colleagues from the Contra Costa Health Services Department Division Contra Costa County is getting ready to vaccinate children ages 5-11. Michelle DiMaggio and colleagues will be ready to answer your questions so you can prepare the families in your programs and answer the tough questions they might have. Please […]

El Juego y la Niñez

Online Webinar CA, United States

Hosted by CocoKids Presented by Tandem, Partners in Learning El juego es vital para desarrollar el pensamiento crítico y las habilidades sociales. Únase a nosotros para compartir ideas para facilitar […]

Closing the Gap, Teaching Toddlers with Delays to Communicate

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Kyo, ABA Therapy Each year, one in four children under the age of five are identified as “at risk” for developmental delays. Oftentimes the most powerful agent for […]

Building Literacy Rich Enviroments

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Tandem Partners in Learning Educators will learn how to build their students’ literacy skills all day long, not just during story time. Participants practice a variety of word […]

Mandated Reporter Training

Online Webinar CA, United States

This class is for the AB 1207 Mandated Reporter Training. We will discuss the issues of child abuse and the legal responsibilities of California’s mandated reporters.

Lead Poisoning Prevention for Child Care Providers

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Kimberly Nguyen, Quality Improvement Navigator Lead poisoning is one of the most common environmental illness among young children under the age of 6 years old. During this presentation, […]

Physical Activity for Preschool Children

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Harleen Sandhu, Contra Costa Health Services This webinar will share physical activity guidelines for children at your childcare center. Participants will learn/review the recommended physical activity types and […]

Cuentos y Sentimientos (Sharing Stories, Sharing Feelings)

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented By Tandem, Partners in Learning Los participantes exploraran tres formas en que compartir libros promueve el desarrollo socioemocional de un niño y practican técnicas para incorporar el desarrollo socioemocional […]

Mandated Reporter Training

Online Webinar CA, United States

This class is for the AB 1207 Mandated Reporter Training. We will discuss the issues of child abuse and the legal responsibilities of California’s mandated reporters.

Increasing Cooperation by Offering your Child Choices

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Kyo, ABA Therapy Is it always a negotiation when you ask your child to complete a task? Using a “first this, then that” statement is a reliable way […]

Directors and Owners Support Group with County Health Department and Community Care Licensing

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Team of Health Services professionals, led by Michele DiMaggio, R.E.H.S., from Contra Costa Health Services Please join our directors and owners support group. The County Health Department team is available to answer your questions on latest COVID-19 Guidance for Child Care published last week. Register here:

Trauma 101: Identificar y Entender (Part 1 de 2)

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Tandem Partners in Learning Parte 1 de 2: Aprenda sobre los conceptos básicos del trauma. ¿Qué es? ¿Cómo afecta el cerebro y el cuerpo? Compartiremos algunas estrategias sensibles al trauma que ayudan a todos los niños a calmarse a sí mismos y discutiremos cómo los adultos pueden responder de manera segura a los […]

Spring Poison Prevention Training: National Poison Prevention Week, older adult medication management, poisonous plants, bites, stings, DEET & ticks.

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Jenna Stewart, MA, CHES Health Education Program Specialist. California Poison Control System – Central Office University of California San Francisco During this webinar you will learn about the following topics National Poison Prevention Week, older adult medication management, poisonous plants, bites, stings, DEET & ticks. Register here:

Grupo de Apoyo para Proveedoras Hispanas

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presentado por CocoKids Resource and Referral Counselors Durante esta reunión hablaremos de los diferentes tipos de programas que tenemos paras apoyarlas como proveedoras. Únase para conectarse con otras proveedoras y aprender como CocoKids está aquí para apoyarlas. Registrese:

Intentional Outdoor Learning

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Jessie Olson, Lakeshore The importance of play for a child’s healthy development is grounded in a strong body of research. In this session, we will dive into the research to gain a clearer understanding of how connecting indoor and outdoor play promotes cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development in children. Through music, sand, […]


How to Respond to Running Away and Avoidant Behaviors

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Kyo Does your child run away when presented with an unpleasant task or walk away from you when in the community? In this 30-minute webinar, families will learn to identify the “why” of this behavior. Parents will learn function-based strategies to decrease rates of elopement and teach their child ways to “escape” in […]

Lead Poisoning Prevention for Child Care Providers

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Kimberly Nguyen, Quality Improvement Navigator Lead poisoning is one of the most common environmental illness among young children under the age of 6 years old. During this presentation, you will learn: -The problems of lead poisoning -The steps to reduce lead exposure -How to inspect for lead -How to share this information with […]

Born to Explore: Marvelous Math for Infants & Toddlers

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Ela Perez, Lakeshore In this session, we deepen our understanding of math concepts appropriate for our infants and toddlers to understand developmentally appropriate skills and how to support infants and toddlers in developing and mastering these skills. We will discuss how to utilize materials in our classroom intentionally to support the development of […]


Mandated Reporter Training

Online Webinar CA, United States

This class is for the AB 1207 Mandated Reporter Training. We will discuss the issues of child abuse and the legal responsibilities of California’s mandated reporters.

Trauma 102: Cuidar y Apoyar (Part 2 de 2)

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Tandem Partners in Learning Parte 2 de 2: Construyendo sobre de lo que aprendimos en Trauma 101: Identificar y Aprender, profundizaremos en estrategias prácticas que respaldan la capacidad de un niño para regular sus emociones, desarrollar resiliencia con el tiempo y hablar sobre experiencias pasadas difíciles de manera segura. Nota: Esta clase esta […]

Creating a Business Plan

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Passion Polanco, CocoKids Child Care Business Coordinator Are you reopening your child care? Are you beginning a new career path and starting your own family home child care? Maybe you have been in business for a while and need to make some adjustments. Creating a Business Plan is here to help family child […]

Cancelled: Grupo de Apoyo para Proveedoras Hispanas

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presentado por CocoKids Resource and Referral Counselors Durante esta reunión hablaremos de los diferentes tipos de programas que tenemos paras apoyarlas como proveedoras. Únase para conectarse con otras proveedoras y aprender como CocoKids está aquí para apoyarlas. ***Please Note this Month's Meeting has been Cancelled*** The next meeting is going to be on May 19th

Road to Success! Building Your Family Child Care Business Partnership with CocoKids

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by CocoKids Resource and Referral Team In this workshop, we will cover how to get the most out of CocoKids programs. We will have a tutorial on the provider referral portal, discuss the process of referrals from start to finish and provide a basic overview of other programs within CocoKids. Register here:

Mandated Reporter Training

Online Webinar CA, United States

This class is for the AB 1207 Mandated Reporter Training. We will discuss the issues of child abuse and the legal responsibilities of California’s mandated reporters.

Trauma 101-The Brain and Behavior (Part 1 of 2)

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Tandem Part 1 of 2 (Trauma series) Learn about the basics of trauma. What is it? How does it affect the brain and body? We’ll share a few trauma-sensitive strategies that support all children to self-soothe and discuss how adults can safely respond to children's challenging behaviors. At the end of this workshop […]

Grupo de Apoyo para Proveedoras Hispanas

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presentado por CocoKids Resource and Referral Counselors Durante esta reunión hablaremos de los diferentes tipos de programas que tenemos paras apoyarlas como proveedoras. Únase para conectarse con otras proveedoras y aprender como CocoKids está aquí para apoyarlas. Registrese:

DIR/Floortime- Building Relationships to Improve Behavior, Language, and Social Skills

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Lindsay Teitelbaum, M.S. CCC-SLP, Spirited Play Labs Join speech therapist and inclusive play space owner Lindsay Teitelbaum, M.S. CCC-SLP in an introductory workshop teaching you about the basics of DIR/Floortime. This long-used and well-researched program is designed for children with developmental delays, including those with autism or trauma. Learn more about how child-led […]

Trauma 102-Supportive Strategies (Part 2 of 2)

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Tandem Building on what we learned in Trauma 101: Brain and Behavior, we'll dive deeper into actionable strategies that support a child’s ability to regulate their emotions, build resilience over time, and talk about difficult past experiences in safe ways. Note: This class is a two-session series Part 1 The Brain and Behavior: Wednesday […]

Summer Poison Prevention Training: Poison Oak, Sun Safety, Wildfire Smoke, Back-to-School

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Jenna Stewart, MA, CHES Health Education Program Specialist. California Poison Control System – Central Office University of California San Francisco During this webinar you will learn about the following topics school safety, poison oak, summer sun safety, and wildfire smoke. Register here:

Mandated Reporter Training

Online Webinar CA, United States

This class is for the AB 1207 Mandated Reporter Training. We will discuss the issues of child abuse and the legal responsibilities of California’s mandated reporters.

Parent Café – Vitality Café: Mental/Emotional Vitality

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Emily Young and Regina Alexander Parents are invited to join us for a virtual Parent Café! In this Parent Café, the topic will be Environmental Vitality. This will be an INTERACTIVE café, so join us on zoom! Come as you are, strengthen your protective factors and learn more about your family’s strengths. Click […]

Getting Ready for Summer

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Jessica Dandekar, Kyo Care Description: Summer break can be an exciting time, but for many, including children with autism, the transition to summer break is unfamiliar and stressful. Join us as we review some simple strategies to help your child adjust to their new schedule, ease these summer worries, and help your child […]

Parent Café – Spiritual Vitality

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Emily Young and Regina Alexander Parents are invited to join us for a virtual Parent Café! In this Parent Café, the topic will be Spiritual Vitality. This will be an INTERACTIVE café, so join us on zoom! Come as you are, strengthen your protective factors and learn more about your family’s strengths. Click […]

Grupo de Apoyo para Proveedoras Hispanas

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presentado por CocoKids Resource and Referral Counselors Durante esta reunión hablaremos de los diferentes tipos de programas que tenemos paras apoyarlas como proveedoras. Únase para conectarse con otras proveedoras y aprender como CocoKids está aquí para apoyarlas. Registrese:

Setting the Stage for Inclusion

Online Webinar CA, United States

Sarika Rathi, owner/director of Garden Playhouse, has ran a successful Family Child Care business for over seven years. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics, a Center Director Permit and a Waldorf early childhood certification. She is a passionate advocate for inclusive environment. In this webinar, participants will learn: How to define inclusion Why we care […]

Inclusive Strategies for Infants & Toddlers in Group Care

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Sarika Rathi owner/director of Garden Playhouse has been running her Family Child Care business for more than seven years. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics, a Center Director Permit and a Waldorf early childhood certification. She is a passionate advocate for inclusive environment. This webinar will cover: Universal Design for Learning Individualizing for […]

Mandated Reporter Training

Online Webinar CA, United States

This class is for the AB 1207 Mandated Reporter Training. We will discuss the issues of child abuse and the legal responsibilities of California’s mandated reporters.

Event Series Quality Matters Information Session

Quality Matters Information Session

Online Webinar CA, United States

Quality Matters (QM) is open for enrollment. Quality Matters is Contra Costa County’s Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS). Benefits in joining this program are the following: • A personal coach • Professional development guidance • Invitation to trainings with a variety of topics • The opportunity to grow your business. Market your rating and […]

Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors: Supporting Diversity with Storybooks

Online Webinar CA, United States

鏡子、窗戶和推拉玻璃門: 用故事書支持多元化 This workshop is in English, but will be translated into Cantonese. Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning Using Dr. Rudine Bishop's "Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors" Framework, we will discuss key features to look for while building your classroom or home library. We will discuss and share a few examples of […]

Finding Your Joy

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Doris Brown, Teaching Strategies, LLC Without the right tools and support, teaching can lead to stress and burnout. During this 3-hour session, participants will learn how to leverage research-based practices to sustain and support their well-being. Participants will explore the characteristics of 4 different types of stress, including general stress, systematic oppression, burnout, […]


Parent Cafe – Social Vitality

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Emily Young and Regina Alexander, CocoKids Parents are invited to join us for a virtual Parent Café! In this Parent Café, the topic will be Social Vitality. This will be an INTERACTIVE café, so join us on zoom! Come as you are, strengthen your protective factors and learn more about your family’s strengths. […]

Espejos, Ventanas, y Puertas Deslizantes: Diversidad en los libros de cuentos

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presentado por Tandem, socios en el aprendizaje temprano Usando las enseñanzas de la Dra. Rudine Bishop, "Espejos, Ventanas, y Puertas Deslizantes", analizaremos las características clave que debe buscar al construir su salón de clases o biblioteca en el hogar. Discutiremos y compartiremos algunos ejemplos de títulos inclusivos favoritos y demostraremos estrategias concretas que elevan la […]

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