Fall/Winter Poison Prevention

Online Webinar CA

This workshop will provide an introduction to California Poison Control System and the Poison Hotline, indoor and outdoor hazards, childcare and school safety, and health education resources, now updated with […]

故事時間的魔力(The Magic of Storytime)

Online Webinar CA

Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning 發球與接球的互動可以培養早期的語言和讀寫能力,以及強大、健康的大腦!參與者將練習基於證據的互動朗讀策略,激發快樂,支持健康的大腦發育和早期語言習得。 Register Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAlcO6gpz0sGNaCOI3M7gsONm9esGX1925c

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